
Demis Basso

Demis Basso

Head of the Lab, Professor of General and Cognitive Psychology

Research interests on Visuo-spatial planning, Prospective memory, Visuo-spatial working memory, Attention and inhibition processes,.. with relevance on education.

E-mail: demis.basso -at-

Reinhard Tschiesner

Reinhard Tschiesner

Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology

Research interests in school-related psychological processes, in light of health promotion.

E-mail: reinhard.tschiesner -at-

Angelika Pahl

Angelika Pahl

Professor of Physics Didactics

Research interests in motivational and cognitive processes in children’s hands-on science activities.

E-mail: angelika.pahl -at-

Barbara Caprara

Barbara Caprara

Senior Researcher in General Didactics

Research interests in Montessori education.

E-mail: barbara.caprara -at-

Milvia Cottini

Milvia Cottini

Researcher with fixed-term contract

Research interests in prospective memory and bilingualism in childhood.

E-mail: milvia.cottini -at-

Francesca Sangiuliano Intra

Francesca Sangiuliano Intra

Researcher with fixed-term contract

Research interests in Emotional processing, Theory of Mind, sustainable serious games.

E-mail: francesca.sangiulianointra -at-

Giulia Gaggero

Giulia Gaggero

Assistant researcher in psychological statistics

Research interests in statistical modelling, typical and atypical emotion development processes.

E-mail: giulia.gaggero -at-

Alessandra Imperio

Alessandra Imperio

Assistant researcher in Pedagogy

Research interests in Critical Thinking and its application into scholastic practice.

E-mail: alessandra.imperio -at-

Silvia Lo Monaco

Silvia Lo Monaco

Assistant researcher in Developmental psychology

Research interests in Numerical cognition.

E-mail: silvia.lomonaco -at-

Marina Sartor Hoffer

Marina Sartor Hoffer

Assistant researcher in Developmental psychology

Research interests in Philosophy for children, developmental psychology.

E-mail: marina.sartor2 -at-

Giovanni Lecci

Giovanni Lecci

PhD student & Neuropsychologist

Research interests in executive functions, decision-making, mind wandering, consciousness, emotion, motivation and volitional processes, drug and new addictions, relationship among self-relatedness and addiction, autism spectrum disorder, mind-body relation, embodiment, cognitive reserve, aging.

E-mail: giovanni.lecci -at-

Giulia Prestera

Giulia Prestera

PhD student in Educational psychology

Research areas: emotional and visuospatial development processes, development of teaching materials.

E-mail: giulia.prestera -at-

Nicol Ellecosta

Nicol Ellecosta

PhD student in Education and Social Sciences

Research areas: ....

E-mail: nicol.ellecosta -at-

Vanessa Fuson

Vanessa Fuson

PhD student in Education and Social Sciences

Research areas: ....

E-mail: vanessa.fuson -at-

External collaborators

Alice Tovazzi

Alice Tovazzi

Primary school teacher, PhD in Pedagogy

My main research interest lies at the intersection of numerical cognition and education, according to the educational neuroscience approach.

E-mail: ----

Giancarlo Perrone

Giancarlo Perrone


My main research interests are focused on the promotion of life-skills and the development of emotional competence.

E-mail: ----



  • Giovanni Corradini
  • Ulrike Domahs (Phillips Universität Marburg, Germany) - link

Graduated Students

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Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Viale Ratisbona, 16 - 39042 Bressanone-Brixen (BZ)